Día das Letras

Xosé María Díaz Castro: Nimbos de Poesía(29 minutos)Languages: Gallego
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A single book -NIMBOS- published in 1961 consacrated XOSÉ MARÍA DÍAZ CASTRO as a great poet. Nobody like hime explained the history of Galicia in a poem, PENÉLOPE: " Un paso adiante i outro atrás, Galiza, i a tea dos teus soños non se move. A esperanza nos teus ollos se esperguiza. Aran os bois e chove". We travel with XOSÉ MARÍA DÍAZ CASTRO along his vital geography (Os Vilares de Parga, Betanzos, Mondoñedo, Guitiriz…), we hear on his voice his most important poems, and we approach his hight human quality wounded -like his poetry- by the thirst of light.

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